Vikram Singh – My Academic Genealogy\(^*\)

I really don't mean any arrogance by showing this genealogy. Its just the tree to show how the hubs of research and knowledge have changed along time. If we go further deep into this, it can be seen that the genealogy of the oldest guy Prof. Jacob Bernoulli goes to a Greek mathematician, Gregory Chioniadis who went to Ilkhans Court at Tabriz (Persia, current Iran), where he learnt astronomy and astrophysics from Shams ad-Din Al-Bukhari (-> Nasir al-Din al-Tusi -> Kamal al Din Ibn Yunus ->) a student of Sharaf al-Din al-Tusi who I am not sure but can be a student of some Indian Scholar. This shows how there is pattern to the history of the world and the way it takes a full turn in a certain period of time.

IITK : Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
UCSD : University of California, San Diego
USC : University of Southern, California
Stanford : Stanford University
MIT : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
LMU : Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen
UniK : Albertus-Universitat Konigsberg
FAU : Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
UniB : Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn
UniK : University of Konigsberg
FUB : Freie Universitat Berlin
EcoP : Ecole Polytechnique
ENS : Ecole Normale Superieure
UniC : Universite de Caen
UniT : Universita di Torino
CoMa : College Mazarin
UniBa: Universitat Basel

\(^*\) : Genealogy is defined based on your doctoral advisor. But as I am not a Phd. so I considered my master's advisor for this.